Paul Stubbs
from French into English
The Double Rimbaud, Victor Segalen, essay translated from the French with Blandine Longre (Black Herald Press, 2022)
& inside, a great many suns (& dedans quantité de soleils), Jos Roy, a long poem translated from the French with Blandine Longre (Black Herald Press, 2021)
With Sap & Hope (De suc & d'espoir), Jos Roy, poems translated from the French with Blandine Longre (Black Herald Press, 2014)
In the Heart of Rungis (Au Coeur de Rungis), O. Bauer et O. Chartier, co-translated with Blandine Longre (Gallimard Loisirs, 2015)
The Alvin File, Alessandro Mercuri (Le Dossier Alvin, Art & Fiction, 2014)
In magazines
Literary texts and poems by Jean-Luc Parant, Pierre Cendors, Laurence Vieille, for Hermès International (2018)
Various essays by Alessandro Mercuri, ParisLike magazine (2011-2014)
Translation of subtitles: documentaries and interviews, ParisLike magazine (2011-2014)
The Age of Darkness, a poem by Pierre Cendors, in The Black Herald n.5 (2015)
Rimbaud, the Artist and the Moral Being (excerpt), Ernest Delahaye, in in The Black Herald n.3 (2012)
Pan, a poem by Pierre Cendors, in The Black Herald n.2 (2011)

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